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The Law of Attraction and how it is Speeding up

The law of attraction is not new and spiritual teachers have talked about it for years. But it is becoming more mainstream now with books like The Secret entering the mainstream circles.

As the vibrations are now speeding up the effect of the law of attraction is also becoming faster so its important to stay clear about what you wish to create, It will  certainly happen faster but if our intent is not clear, sometimes it does not quite bring us what we desire.

if you go to a restaurant and say bring me food well you could end up with anything. But if you are precise and order Fettuccine with asparagus well that’s what you will get.

The universe does not care what we ask for it just gives us more of what we think about. And I am saying this to be critical as being a 100% clear all the time is a pretty tall order.

The Law of Attraction Techniques

If you are visual. Imagine it, draw it cut out pictures of what you desire. Even if its happiness then images of happy people will be perfect.

If you like words writing it down and describing the experience of having what you desire will allow all your senses to take part in the creative process.

For people with a musical ability. Sing it or record yourself talking about what you are creating with some music in the background.

Emotions and Feelings

Feeling how what you are wanting to attract would feel and experiencing the joy or peace you feel you would have is essential as otherwise only our thoughts are involved. Our feelings are a big part of the creative process and get the energy behind it as emotions are energy.

For example if you wish to move to a nicer home. Go to some open homes of places you would like to live in. As you look around imagine living there and how that would feel. This enhances the clarity of the vision and gives it a nudge.

Helpful Law of Attraction Books

The Secret Law of Attraction: Master the Power of Intention – Katherine Hurst

“The Power Of Intention” – Dr. Wayne Dyer

”The Master Key System” – Charles F. Haanel

and of course “The Secret

More good books at Good Reads

We are Creators

Creating and manifesting are a natural part of our being and it is often easier to start with fun and smaller things rather than the huge goals as we need to know and believe it can happen. So start with smaller and more easily attainable goals and work your way up.

This process is meant to be a joy so remember to let go once you have set your intent and trust that it is yours. if you get tense about it , it actually slows down. So relax and enjoy.

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law of attraction secrets
Psychic Franziska has been a Psychic and Healer for over 30 years . With a great deal of experience as a psychic she loves to share all the knowledge she has gained through training and experience.
Approved and vetted by Best Psychic Directory
Psychic Franziska is based in Johnsonville , Wellington, New Zealand and available internationally
Psychic Franziska