7 Signs You have met your Twin Flame

7 Signs You have met your Twin Flame In this article 7 signs You have met Your Twin Flame I describe some of the most common signs people have when they are with or are meeting their Twin Soul. Do you feel like you have met your twin flame? Its really a strong bond...

Have You met Your Soulmate

Have You met Your Soulmate Signs of a Soulmate Union I am often asked in a Psychic reading if a person is the clients soul mate and there are certain signs which are helpful in discovering if the person is a real soul connection to You. Your feelings are the best...

Psychic Prediction 2021

     Psychic Prediction 2021 Psychic Prediction 2021 – I have held back a bit as its been a bit of a crazy time world wide. The coming year will still have a lot going on and I see people as being cautious due to the events going on around them. Many people will...

How to trust your Intuition

How to Trust Your intuition   How to Trust Your intuition. I often get asked ” How can I make my Intuition Stronger” Well the trick is to trust it. The more you trust the stronger it becomes. Trust is bandied around in New age circles like its an instant thing....