Are Pets and Animals Psychic?

What are your experiences with pets? Or animals in general? Are pets Psychic?

Do you have a pet who can see what you cant or behaves oddly at times?

They often know when natural disasters are about to happen and seem to see what we don’t.

I had a dog years ago who always sat at the feet of an old man who was in spirit and tilted her head and listened. She also knew when my partner was coming home way before she could hear him. So I definitely felt that Animals and Pets are Psychic

My Cat Onyx

I started thinking after having Onyx a cat who passed years ago come and visit the other night. My cat I have now didn’t like it but it was nice as this had not happened for a while. Onyx was a people “person” and was always having fun and playing and visiting and I know she came to remind me to have more fun.

My current Companion and Healing Helper

My current companion Serafina senses when I am not well if my stomach hurts she wants to sit on it and purr and gets quite protective. She also senses when a client is upset and often sits with them if they have something difficult going on in their lives.

Sometimes when she is out exploring and its time for her to check in, I send her a telepathic message ” Please come and say hi” and she usually turns up within minutes. So she is definitely tuned in but Are pets Psychic? I believe they are

Precognition– The sensing of danger before it happens.  For example animals have been documented to become anxious and frantic before natural disasters happen such as an earthquakes, avalanches, cyclones and volcanic eruptions.  It is suspected that animals can sense subtle vibrations and barometric pressure to help with these predictions.

During the big tidal wave in Sri Lanka a lot of animals ran inland and survived before it came

Pets and their owners can have a really strong bond, so may be able to sense when their owner is under the weather or has something more serious looming. And they are often extra loving when their Human is unwell. I have also seen pets get extra protective of someone who is unwell

The Medical Intuitive Dog

Sometimes your pet knows you better than you know yourself, and the connection it has with your wellbeing could be considered a sort of second-sight. Such is the case for Lisa  who wrote in a psychic pet story about her Corgi named Cassie.

Cassie ate Lisa’s prescription sunglasses one day. Without prescription glasses to wear while driving, Lisa had to make a long-overdue appointment with an eye doctor. She hadn’t had her eyes checked for two years, so imagine her surprise when the doctor told her she had two growths on the back of both of her eyes. Apparently the growths had been there for about a year and were prevented from being flushed out of her system because of medication she was on. If she had waited any longer, the growths could have caused her to lose her eye sight.

Have a think about all the ways animals you know are psychic or telepathic.

I believe it’s because they have not shut this ability down and live much more in the moment.

I have often watched birds before bad weather arrives too and they know before we do, In Sri Lanka before a tidal wave most animals went inland and not many were harmed . it certainly pay to keep an eye on the behaviour of the animals which surround us,

Have you got a psychic pet? if so comment below about what they do below.

Here is an article about Psychic Pets

Are cats empaths: Cat Empaths

What are your experiences with pets? Or animals in general? Are pets Psychic?

Do you have a pet who can see what you cant or behaves oddly at times?

They often know when natural disasters are about to happen and seem to see what we don’t.

I had a dog years ago who always sat at the feet of an old man who was in spirit and tilted her head and listened. She also knew when my partner was coming home way before she could hear him.

I started thinking after having Onyx a cat who passed years ago come and visit the other night. My cat I have now didn’t like it but it was nice as this had not happened for a while. Onyx was a people “person” and was always having fun and playing and visiting and I know she came to remind me to have more fun.




are pets and animals psychic
Psychic Franziska has been a Psychic and Healer for over 30 years . With a great deal of experience as a psychic she loves to share all the knowledge she has gained through training and experience.
Approved and vetted by Best Psychic Directory
Psychic Franziska is based in Johnsonville , Wellington, New Zealand and available internationally
Psychic Franziska