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2018 What to Expect The Coming Year and Energies.

2018 What to Expect The Coming Year and Energies.

This coming year is an 11 in Numerology and is a very empowered and creative year.

Its about making your life what you want it to be and to live from your highest self. I see people doing what they want, starting their own businesses rather than struggling in a job market which does not have the vacancies or growth they want.

I see long commitments for couples and also a lot more honest communication.

In politics some secrets and hidden knowledge will be revealed and people will start to demand more transparency. Also new and environmentally friendly technology will become more available and some new inventions will also be seen and be available.

Staying Balanced what to Expect in 2018

Its very important for you to stay balanced in 2018 as the vibrations will be faster but can also be a bit destructive if allowed to spiral downwards into a negative direction. Do express what you feel but then refocus on what you are wanting to create in your life.


Simplicity is the Key in 2018

A lot of us will strive for simpler and more fulfilling lives and there is a growing Independence in how people work from home and also digital nomads. How they live. I see alternative energy as growing enormously as people look at living smarter and cutting costs so they can improve their standard of living.

This simplification in life is apparent in health, and wellness. If you keep things simple and easy to manage with the tried and true basics of nutrition and exercise, more people will venture into a healthy lifestyle as they see the medical system struggling to cope .

Employers and companies will look more at the health and wellness of their employees and work spaces will be reinvented to be heather spaces to be in.

Get Ready

Writing down what is important to you and what you want your life to be like is a good way to stay focused. Its not a new years resolution but more of a vision board to stay focused.

2018 is a really transformational year  for so may areas of life and also for spiritual wisdom and knowledge. Intuition will be a catch word for many as it becomes a much bigger focus and is more utilized in all walks of life.

These are some of my feelings about 2018 please comment below if you wish to add to this

here is my Link if you would like a specific reading for the comings year : Book a Psychic Reading

And also a You Tube Video I have made about 2018 . 2018 are You Ready?

Psychic Franziska has been a Psychic and Healer for over 30 years . With a great deal of experience as a psychic she loves to share all the knowledge she has gained through training and experience.
Approved and vetted by Best Psychic Directory
Psychic Franziska is based in Johnsonville , Wellington, New Zealand and available internationally
Psychic Franziska