
Psychic Readings in Wellington , New Zealand and Online by Franziska

Best Psychic Directory Approved- New Zealand based Psychic Franziska

A warm welcome to Psychic Readings in NZ. My name is Franziska Intuitive ( Fran). I am a Wellington, New Zealand based Psychic Clairvoyant with an International Clientele and over 30 years experience. My Psychic Readings are available via email, phone or in person in Wellington and New Zealand towns when I tour. 

You will receive an in depth psychic reading which is relevant to You and Your life and offer you guidance and answers to any matter 

I can bring you clarity, answers to your burning questions and peace of mind with my Psychic Clairvoyant Readings.

Knowing where your life is going and which opportunities are coming your way will bring the confidence to lead your best life armed with the information to make the best decisions and get the good results.

Professional on point and detailed readings with timelines and , specifics , accurate forecasts and messages from your guides . I use clairvoyance, clairaudience , clairsentience, Precognition  and a good dose of common sense in my psychic readings .

I am approved and vetted by Best Psychic Directory which is a thorough process to find accurate Psychics and Mediums Internationally as well as in New Zealand..With excellent reviews .

Imagine creating the life you always dreamed of. My Psychic readings can offer you clarity and the ability to make the right decisions for yourself with the extra insight you will have. I’ve been offering guidance to people for 30 plus years and I’m a professional reader and psychic. I’d love to help with your questions.

I can help you gain clarity by connecting to my intuition and spirit to give you answers, guidance and peace of mind. Questions are welcome.

During a Psychic Reading I can look into:

-Your love life and relationships readings & also couples bookings are available as well as Twin Flame and Soulmate Readings
-Where your career is taking you
-How to improve your energy and well being
-Where your financial future is going
-Any family worries or disputes
-Insight into your spiritual path and who your spirit guide is 
-Your business or anything You would like to ask about

“I have now had 3 spiritual readings with Franziska one in Wellington and two online. She is the best psychic I have connected with  Franziska has helped me find my way again after loss A truly excellent and detailed psychic guidance and I love the way the coming months were divided into separate sections as well as the questions she answered were clear so it was easy to follow. I had been wanting to have another appointment with a psychic after several years had passed since my last , but was a bit nervous but the whole process was easy and professional and what she knew about me was uncanny. I am looking forward my next step in life now. I shall return for another reading. “

Emily Jenkins – Tawa


Psychic Readings in New Zealand and Internationally- Wellington based 

Level 1 , 6 Johnsonville Rd , Johnsonville. Wellington 6037

As a long term NZ Psychic  I have available face to face sessions in Wellington NZ ,  email readings and  psychic phone readings are available in New Zealand and  Internationally online . Please contact me via my form here or simply book via my booking service using the button above.

I also have some short and very affordable email readings available for one or three questions One question for $38 and three questions for $50 by email. These short readings are not available in person in New Zealand . They are detailed an in depth and each question is answered thoroughly . They are not just yes no readings .

The Different Readings Available 

  • 3 Questions Readings
  • Short Rmail Readings 
  • Full Readings
  • Urgent Psychic Readings
  • Lifepath 
  • Past Life 
  • 12 Month Readings
  • Spirit Guide Readings 
  • Love and relationship Psychic Readings
  • Twin Flame & Soulmate Clairvoyance
  • Career and business 
  • In person and phone readings cover any of these topics and are for a full hour 

Specials, Offers and Updates for Spiritual Guidance with Franziska in Wellington, New Zealand and International

During all the changes in the world in recent times and the pressures on people I have been running specials to make my services more reachable for everyone My specials are for the email appointments not for face to face psychic readings in NZ and when I am touring which are $100.

If You are interested in a booking in NZ when I tour please let me know. I may be nearby

New Spirit Guide Readings 

These are something I am trying out and may or may not keep them I will see if people like them so right now they are available for a week or two week s. This is a reading by email describing your spirit guide, their name they choose to be known by and how they are assisting you and how you can connect with them. They are  a shortish reading and a few paragraphs long  . $39

A  detailed 12 Month Psychic Reading. Special $58 down from $65. Find out what is in store for coming Year

A full and detailed psychic email reading for the coming year , broken into bimonthly sections and also with five questions answered in detail. These can be about love, career , relationships, your gifts and talents or whatever is on your mind right now. These are very popular as they are a thorough look into the coming year in detail  .My booking service can help you to book these or contact me if you have trouble with it.

Psychic Email Readings in New Zealand and Internationally 

I have been offering email readings for many years and since I do love to write and can take my time with them they work very well. Much like distance healing, distance is no issue as spiritual connections are not limited by your proximity. I tune into you and communicate with my guides and your yours to give you a detailed and in depth reading . You will receive Your reading on the date booked for by email and will also receive a PDF copy to download >more on Email Readings

For Email Readings 

  • Please send up to 5 questions preferably before the morning of your booking
  • Please for email readings be clear in your questions please 
  • A photo of your face
  • If you ask about people their first name helps me to connect better
  • Your date of birth as I work with timelines to predict events, otherwise the timing will be a bit less detailed

Urgent Email Readings

These appointments are for people who urgently need a reading and can not wait . You can also have a regular full appointment but let me know if that is what you would like. I make two or three of these available each week like you can send up to 5 questions $80 – Please note these are for the day you book for in my booking service

Career Readings

In depth career readings looking at your work , career , talents , how you can lad your dream job and build the success you have been aiming for. Should You stay or Should You leave? Is there a better career out there for You? and how You can develop a satisfying career which satisfies You as well $75 by email with 5 questions and a forecast of Your career. $75 by email

Please provide a photo Your first name , date of birth so I can forecast a time line and your current career or job .Read more about career readings 

Discover More about Yourself through Past Life Readings

Past life readings are psychic guidance and are something people often ask about so I decided to offer a specific session for this. Read more here about my new service Past Life Readings $80

PayPal Payments for Your Appointment and Bookings by Timely

You can pay by credit or debit card . PayPal a well known a secure online payment processor which does give you the option to check out as guest so you don’t have to have an account . You can  pay via debit or credit card. I asked my customers if they preferred PayPal or stripe and payPal wa by far the favourite

My online scheduling system is by Timely Scheduling and you can choose a time, type of reading etc. This is for remote ( email and phone bookings for face to face sessions please contact me)  If you have any trouble please contact me and I will send you my bank details ( for bookings from New Zealand only)

Gift Vouchers 

Gift Vouchers for online Bookings 

Gift vouchers are a lovely gift for people who are curious, are experiencing struggles, are spiritually growing or are just in need of some guidance My gift vouchers for my psychic guidance can be purchased on my website, and sent either to You or direct to the person who is receiving it. These can be redeemed directly via my booking service Timely by the recipient of the voucher when they are booking an appointment

Please note, Please pay attention to the date you book for with online psychic readings . I will be doing your reading at that time. Email appointments do not require you to be available as they don’t involve calls. If I have your questions (optional), photo and date of birth I have all I need for psychic email readings.

When I am touring with Psychic readings in NZ and not near Wellington ( which I do often as I have clients all over New Zealand) I have more email appointments available due to reception issues with my phone and my internet not being solid enough for skype but emails I can always get sent out no matter what and I can guarantee that.

My appointments at my office in Johnsonville NZ are available when I am home


Face to Face Psychic Readings in New Zealand and Wellington

For face to face sessions with in  New Zealand with me if you are looking for a  reading near Wellington or in other centers in New Zealand when I am touring. Please contact me.My fee is $100 for an appointment in person in NZ. They are all full readings and I do not do short appointments in person . In the modern age being in one place is no longer essential and technology and a country wide customer base does have me travelling a lot. When I am home I work from Johnsonville but not my home I have a room separate for my appointments . Psychic Readings in Wellington page

Watch my Free Monthly Tarot on You Tube –

For my free Tarot Videos well as my weekly Free Tarot Card reveal visit my page –Free Tarot

 Reviews and Acclaim

To see more review reviews for Franziska 




I have been around for a while, but Franziska really rock my boat. I went for allot of readings and truly said She astonished me with her reading. I could felt the compassion in every word she written. I can just say Wow she is the most blessed psychic that ever crossed my path. Many blessings

Hannes Duvenhage

“Undoubtedly the best psychic I have been to. That was such a detailed psychic reading. I highly recommend Franziska. She is professional and explains everything so well. I loved meeting her while I was in Wellington, NZ  and will be back A clear and inspired reading and my mind is at peace.

Arabella Jones

​“Today I received my first email reading with Fran. I am so thrilled with it. Thank you. I have had so much positive insight into my future. This has provided clarity and confidence going forward. Fran mentioned certain aspects of my career which I had only just begun to have thoughts about a new business venture. I have also been reassured in regards to my son. I am going to treasure this reading Fran and I will come back for another forecast again in future. A mature, compassionate and caring soul, thank you Fran.”

Cosette and Liam

Full Psychic Readings

 Special Full Clairvoyant Readings $75 by email


For email readings please send me a photo as it really does make for a better connection.

These are long in depth appointments covering love, career, challenges, opportunities, talents, spirituality and more. I give a detailed 12 months outlook and a long term forecast. You are welcome to send me up to 5 questions.

Psychic Love Reading

Love and Relationship Psychic Readings

$80 by email

Psychic Love readings look at your current relations, future relationships, and will bring you clarity about your relationships and where they are heading. Relationship Guidance will give you clarity about your relationship future

Also couples appointments are an option where both parties ask me to look at their relationship.

Up to 6 Questions

Twin Flame and Soulmate Readings

Couples appointments in person are $140 and take one and a half hours

Read more Psychic Love and Relationship  Readings 

Business Readings

Clairvoyant Business Readings $80

Business Readings: For new and established businesses or if you want to see if your idea is likely to succeed. I look at problems, solutions and give a forecast for how the business will perform in person and online .

I have been self employed since I was 19 and had several businesses so I have a good knowledge of the factors involved. Questions are welcome. To read more about Business Psychic Readings

Up to 6 questions

New Career Readings by Email 

5  questions



phone reading

Phone Psychic Readings in NZ

Phone appointments can be on  any topic or more general.50-60 minutes  $100

These can be personal, relationship or business readings

These book out fast if none show in the calendar I am booked out for phone bookings. Available in NZ Only. For bookings for phone readings.


Psychic 2021 Readings . 12 month readings

12 Month In depth Readings

A detailed 12 Month Reading $65

Special $58

By Email these are similar to my full readings but are more focused on this coming year rather than the long term.

It is a full 12 month clairvoyant forecast  .These are broken up into 2 monthly segments and I will answer five questions as well.5 questions nswered in detail


Lifepath readings

Life Path Readings


These are clairvoyant sessions looking at your life path, direction, talents and abilities. I will look at your spiritual development, career , your gifts and direction. These life path consults are about abilities, gifts, skills and also anything you need to know about your direction .I will answer one or two life path based questions as well. There is more information about Psychic Lifepath Readings on the dedicated page

One or two lifepath related questions



Short Readings

One Question Short Psychic Readings by Email $38

Short readings answering one question in detail. Please be specific for these.

These are for that one burning question or if you have had a full reading and have another question some time after and have  a burning question.

They are a few paragraphs an dnot just a short answer


Life Coaching

Coaching and Personal Mentoring

Read more about this on the dedicated page for coaching and mentoring 

In person in New Zealand or by phone

I have trained as a life coach and can help people with their direction, blocks and to find their path with dynamic coaching techniques.

Past life readings

Past Life Readings

By Email $80

A look at your most important Past lives and how they affect you now. The talents and abilities you have brought forward and also the past life connections in your life now

More here – Past Life Readings Online

Up to 3 past life related questions


urgent email readings

Urgent Email Readings

By Email $80

I make a few urgent email readings available online  each week . I was getting requests for these so have included them now. They do book out fast so if none show these urgent appointments have already booked out. They are focused on what is foremost on your mind  right now and where that is going, If you would rather have a regular full reading with a forecast please let me know .

You can send up to 5 questions .

3 question reading by email

(New) 3 Question Email Reading

By Email $50

A detailed answer to 3 questions by email. I have had quite a few requests for a 3 questions reading so I have added them

face to face readings new zealand

Face to Face Psychic Readings in Wellington and New Zealand 


If you are looking for a session nearby face to face appointments will cover any topics . They are for one hour and must be booked by contacting me as I tour a lot with my work and am not always available in Johnsonville. 

Please check my Page for Wellington Bookings to see if I am touring 


To find out if I am nearby in New Zealand or in Wellington currently or if you have trouble with bookings please fill out the form


Fluent Form Psychic Franziska

Review for a Psychic Reading in new Zealand by Franziska by Marc Ellis on Television New Zealand

Watch a great review for a face to face session with Marc Ellis in Auckland , which was on Television New Zealand .Marc Ellis was a Sports Personality and also hosted a television show and this was recorded when I was traveling with my Psychic Readings in New Zealand and he gave me a lovely review.


How Psychic Readings with me Work

Working for many years as an International  and New Zealand  Psychic  and healer I absolutely love offering guidance and peace of mind to people. The rewards of seeing people feel confident and at peace are wonderful.  I look at love, spirituality and your gifts, career, money, family ,health or any topic you ask for. My commitment is to be there for you. Some of the gifts I use during a reading are Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience, Intuition and a direct connection to source.

Reviews and Testimonials for my click > Psychic Franziska’s Reviews

A little about my Readings

I have been offering spiritual guidance in New Zealand for over 30 years and also work Internationally with clients. I was vetted and approved by Best Psychic Directory which is a lengthy process and is an international site of the best Mediums, and Clairvoyants globally I use clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience , to connect with my spirit guides and I also use my spiritual ability to connect with universal wisdom and source.

How do I book a Psychic Reading in New Zealand or Online ?

My booking page explains the process of bookings in a great deal of detail: click > Bookings and Appointments.

You can hook via Timely Bookings by clicking the button for online and phone readings and for in person Spiritual Guidance in NZ please contact me. To book Johnsonville appointments see below

For Personal Appointments Face to Face for Psychic Readings in New Zealand

Please contact me for face to face readings in New Zealand as I book these personally. A face to face booking takes place in my room in Johnsonville, Wellington or in other towns when I go on tour. Every year I visit Auckland, Tauranga, Hamilton and other smaller towns . So you can see if I am near You.

As a NZ Psychic I love to visit many towns New Zealand wide as I have travelled extensively with Spiritual Fairs in the past,

Which Type of  Reading should I choose?

I get asked often what the difference between the 12 month readings and the full readings is. The full readings have a long term forecast as well for your life and your long term future

1.Psychic Readings in NZ in Person- are more interactive and are great when you have a lot of questions , In Wellington
2.Career and career direction New Zealand wide and Internationally online – Full Clairvoyant readings
3.Natural talents and gifts- Lifepath Guidance
4.Family Relationships- Full Readings
5.How to improve your energy levels and well-being- Full session
6.Your spiritual path and development- Detailed Lifepath Readings
7.Life purpose – Lifepath booking
8.Your business and finances- Business readings
9.A look at your life overall- Full Psychic appointments
10.Past Life memories or unexplained fears – Past life Readings
11.Karmic connections- Past Life guidance

12.Love and relationships for the future of your relationship- Psychic Love Readings and Soulmates

I can give you peace of mind and a clearer understanding of the future and how you can best respond to life events . You will have a stronger sense of certainty and direction

Read more here:  

Types of Appointments 

What do Love and Relationship Readings look at ?

My psychic love readings have always been popular and it is an area of life people often ask for clarity on. Is he/she right for me? ,will we stay together?, Will I meet  someone soon? I can also do a thorough compatibility analysis to lead to a greater understanding for the couple. We communicate somewhat differently often and being aware of that can lead you to greater understanding of a partner.

My spiritual guidance for love can also offer healing and peace when going through a difficult time I can focus on an emotional healing type of reading and look at why things have turned out as they have

Twin Flame and Soul Mate connections are becoming more widespread and knowing what you have come together to work on or do makes the growth of the relationship a lot faster and clearer. See more here on this page: Love and relationship Psychic Readings

For my Location Visit Psychic Readings in Wellington

What is required for a Psychic Email Reading?

How do Psychic Email Appointments Work? I am often asked how do email readings work and its much like prayer or healing. Spirit and energy are not limited by distance or proximity . Read more about this on my page about email bookings I only need your name, phone number and and a note in the first text field in Timely bookings. For readings in NZ in person you obviously don’t need to send me all this Your first name, Date of birth, Gender ( for unusual names)A Photo please ( It really helps with the connection) Appointments by email or phone can be booked online or I can book manually for you if you have problems booking through the service. email fran@psychicfranziska.com More on Email readings here

Blog Posts-The Four Tarot Card Suits and their Meanings

The Tarot deck has four suits in the minor arcana and the court cards, each has a different meaning and energy. The Four Tarot Card Suits The aces are the absolute and intense interpretation of each suit. Read more here: The four Tarot Suits

1o Easy Steps to learn Tarot Reading 

In this article Franziska shows 10 easy steps to get started with learning how to read tarot cards and to get confident with this method of tuning into your own inner guidance as well Learn Tarot Reading

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Interview with Psychic Franziska in Mystic Mag

Here is an interview with Mystic Mag  with New Zealand Psychic Franziska .